Sunday, August 7, 2016

Tobias Take 3.5

Our Tobias is almost 3 and a half. Can you believe it? The craziest part is, HE IS FINALLY POTTY TRAINED!!! We thought it would never happen. But it did. We only use one diaper a day now for night time. We have NEVER been a one diaper a day household before. It's amazing! To celebrate, here are a bunch of silly things Tobias has said in the past few months that I've been meaning to share with you.

Tobias seems to struggle with causation versus correlation. One day his eyes were itchy and then improved a while after he took a drink of water. He told me, "My eyes feel good. That drink was good for my eyes."

I often find myself counting to three to get this kid moving on something. One day he informed me, "I do it before you get to eleven or twelve." Clearly, he did not share my urgency.

A comment about my t-shirt that has an artichoke on it saying "Okey dokey!":
"I don't like artichokes. Artichokes hurt my feelings." I had no idea they were so offensive.

Tobias was so excited on General Conference Sunday that we got to stay home and watch on the computer. Before it started he said, "General Conference! That's my favorite show! It has Star Wars in it!" He was sorely disappointed in the reality of people talking at a podium for hours. Although, there was some resemblance to Episode I...

Tobias had the hiccups and was extremely distressed. He was walking around with a concerned look on his face and his hands over his mouth. I asked him what was wrong. "My mouth's not trying to talk. It's trying to barf! Hic!"

When we were watching Mulan for family movie night Tobias was shocked when the dragon says, "Let's go kick some honey-buns!" He said in a very serious tone, "He say honey buns. That's potty talk."

Tobias has learned a great negotiating strategy. Instead of asking for a treat he gives me a choice of how much treat to give him. "Mom can I have one candy or two candies?" He's never happy when I tell him he can have zero candies.

Recently, I caught Tobias tearing up something he should not. He looked guilty for a moment then brightened and exclaimed, "I make a puzzle!" Yes, I'm sure that was your goal in tearing up that important piece of paper. You just wanted me to have a puzzle to do! How thoughtful!

Lately, Tobias does not want to look for things. He has lost at least two pairs of sandals and just refuses to help. Even things he normally really cares about, like the iPad, can't motivate him to help us search. When I ask, "Tobias, do you know where the iPad is?" he just shrugs his shoulders. "It's gone forever," he says. "Where are your sandals?" "They gone forever." Whatever is missing, don't bother looking. It's gone forever. I'm not sure how to explain this phenomenon. Worm holes? Black holes? Time traveling leprechauns?

Mister three-and-a-half has gotten more picky of late about what he eats. He almost always complains about what I cook for dinner. This has become such a regular occurrence that he decided to be proactive about it. The other day he said to me "I don't like.... what are you making for dinner?"

I tried to take Tobias on a mommy son date. We mostly had a good time at the playground playing tag and hide and seek just the two of us. Leaving the playground was another matter entirely. He escaped from my grasp twice and by the time I was wrestling him into his carseat and half sitting on him in order to get it buckled we were both pretty frustrated. At that point he yelled, "I want an orange so I can karate chop you in you face!" I think he was confusing Fruit Ninja with real martial arts. I didn't take it personally.

We got to go to our friends the Rogers house for 4th of July. We had never been to their house before and when I told Tobias where we were going he said, "It's a pirate house. Aaarrgh!" I'm guessing he was thinking of the Jolly Roger?

Our boys are Princess Bride fans so the movie gets quoted in our house. We all got a kick out of Tobias running around a couple of weeks ago with a toy sword shouting, "My name is illegal Montoya! I killed my father! Prepare to die!" My dad commented that he hopes the statute of limitations is up on that crime since he kind of just confessed. I'm also wondering if I should be concerned for Marc's safety.

Thanks to the potty training, we've been using the bathroom at the pool a lot. Inevitably, it's a little wet and a little dirty in there. Tobias has coined a new term to describe it- sloppery. He only uses it in the context of the pool bathroom but he asks almost every time, "Why is it so sloppery in here?" I asked if he meant slippery but he assured me that sloppery was the word he wanted. "It's slippery AND sloppy, Mom."

Tobias is a little fish. He did so well with his first year of swimming lessons. On our way home from the pool one day he was examining his fingers and seeing that they were wrinkled. He commented, "When I stay in the water too long I get sprinkle hands." Gabriel tried to tell him that the word was wrinkled but I loudly said, "No Gabe. I like sprinkle hands." We're thrilled that he's potty trained, but still. We don't want him growing up too fast.

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