Saturday, November 5, 2016

Turtle Power!

Halloween was a blast this year. I bought some canvas bags and fabric markers to make permanent trick-or-treat bags since Walmart has foolishly stopped carrying the Halloween buckets that we liked. Each of the boys had me draw a Halloween picture for them on the front and then decorated the back themselves.
That's an elephant witch on Elijah's. David John threw a tantrum at one point and scribbled all over his, so I just turned them into transformation lines when Dracula changes into a bat. David John also decided to add another mini-Minion on Benjamin's bag.

 Elijah drew another elephant and the grim reaper. I'm not sure what the crosses are for? And the swimming pool? Gabriel drew Frankenstein complete with a full moon and stars in the background. Tobias drew several people and monsters. It looks like one person has been eaten by that purple monster. Poor guy. David John was super upset when he realized that he drew his picture on the bag sideways. We had to talk him down so he didn't throw it away. There's an owl, an Egyptian God style monster, a pumpkin and a giant hand dropping a piece of candy. Benjamin chose to draw me on his Halloween bag. I'm still processing what that means from a psychological standpoint. In his picture I am defeating a giant and various other small monsters with my weaponized hair. I can, apparently, shoot bullets and use it like the chick in Tangled to lasso things. I'm pretty cool.

If you can't tell what the boys are for Halloween then we really shouldn't be friends. But, on the off chance that a non-friend who somehow completely missed cartoons in the 90s is watching this- they are the Ninja Turtles plus Splinter.
That's Donatello (Gabe), Splinter (Tobias), Leonardo (Elijah), Michelangelo (Benjamin) and Raphael (David John).

They even all had the appropriate weaponry although David John decided at the last minute that he hated being a Ninja Turtle and refused to pose with his Sais.

I made the shells out of turkey pans and spray paint. The boys were pretty stoked about that.

We met some friends downtown for annual free Halloween comics and trunk or treat. There were a lot of cool cars inlcuding the Ghost Buster's car but the line was a bit slow moving for my boys. I wore my best April coat and had my camera.

Benjamin and Tobias were so excited to meet another Ninja Turtle!

Tobias picked the turtle's nose, but then they hugged it out. I was torn between embarrassment about the nose picking incident and disappointment that I didn't catch it with my camera.

And here is Mr. Surly himslef. He was shedding pieces of his costume like they were going out of style. I was picking them up along the route and we had to leave his shell at the comic book store. We are friends with the owners so they didn't mind. You just never know what this kid is going to do.

After Marc got home we went out trick-or-treating in our own neighborhood. There's some people who do outstanding decorations. Sorry, no pictures, it was dark and kind of cold and I needed both my hands to keep Tobias and Benjamin from running in the streets with excitement.

Finally, we have the Halloween aftermath picture. Every year, they get to eat a few pieces of candy on Halloween and each day for a few days then they have candy for dinner one night. Anything that doesn't get eaten gets "donated" to the poor people who work at Daddy's office and are too old to go trick-or-treating. The boys always look forward to watching a movie and pigging out but always report feeling sick afterward. We're hoping they eventually might learn a lesson about too much junkfood? Of course, Ninja Turtles probably aren't affected by junkfood the same way people are. Happy Halloween!

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