Sunday, July 26, 2015


Rushmore is breathtaking.

 It is just incredible.
It was lost on our boys. Giant faces carved into the side of a mountain? Meh.
Marc really wanted a nice picture of the five of them with the presidents in the background. We tried.
 And tried.
 This is the best one we got. I don't think Abe approves.
Look, I'm sorry Abe but these boys were disappointed. I mean, we took them on the President's walk around the monument so they could see you guys from every angle and we stopped at the little exhibits that told us things we didn't know like the plan was originally for full body portraits and that George had to be blown up and recarved because the original spot was too soft and how they had to pump air all the way up the mountain to power the pneumatic drills and jackhammers.

It wasn't cool enough. They wanted to CLIMB Mount Rushmore. They wanted to inspect Tom's nostrils and confirm that Teddy really is wearing his glasses. They were super bummed. SO, we had to stop on our way back at a place where they could climb some big old rocks.

 I wish the pictures could convey what the dirt looks like in the black hills. It all sparkles because of the unique geology of the area.
The views were gorgeous and the boys really did climb way up there.
 It was a little nervewracking for me to follow them, and coming down was more like snowboarding on pine needles.

But, the climb satisfied our boys' primal desire to do dangerous things and we could even see the side of George's face so the boys now feel that they have conquered Mt. Rushmore, which makes it awesome.
You are welcome, Abe. I hope we won't have to make up for your deficiencies in the future but we're always happy to help instill a little presidential love.

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