When we decided to move to North Dakota I remember creating a post on my Cleveland Chronicles blog that included pictures of things in western North Dakota. Salem Sue was one of those things. She is a giant fiberglass cow on the side of the road. We have driven past her many many times but we had never actually driven up to the cow to see just how big she is in person. So, we decided to take Gina and Evie to see Salem Sue on our way to Bismarck.
She is perched atop a tall hill so we had to drive up a long winding road to get to her. Of course, my boys were just not satisfied with that height because there was an even bigger hill behind Salem Sue. So they had to climb that. And I had to come too because Tobias couldn't navigate some of the bigger rocks on the way up. When we got to the top, some of the boys *cough cough* Gabriel *cough cough* wanted to make me really nervous by running along the rocky ridges and jumping from rock to rock parkour style. Did I mention it was also exceptionally windy? Like I felt like we might get blown off the top of the hill? Gina and Evie looked like tiny ants way down there at the bottom. It was fun to be up high, at least for North Dakota, and be able to see for miles in any direction. That's one of the beautiful things about the prairie, you can see forever. In fact, my educational law professor told me that he gets a little claustrophobic when he travels places with a lot of tree. "I just think you ought to be able to see for a good twenty miles every once in a while," he said. Now that we've checked Salem Sue off our list, we'll have to go in search of other giant North Dakota animals. Apparently there's a catfish, a buffalo, a sandhill crane, a walleye and three turtles in addition to the animals on the Enchanted Highway. It's like North Dakota was way ahead of the whole Pokemon Go! idea. Travel around the state and collect them all!
View from the top and proof that I climbed up there. |
Parkour! Parkour! |
See those teeny tiny people at the bottom? The purple line is Gina. That tiny pinkish dot is Evelyn. |
Gabe was too busy running to pose with the rest of us. Salem Sue is so big, it's really hard to get her in the picture with the people. |
Tobias looks pretty cool doing a one-armed push-up on a giant hoof. |
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