Saturday, October 29, 2016


This is one of those obnoxious posts about loving life. I have to write them every once in a while because even though life is hard and crazy and there are so many moments of disappointment and feeling like I'm dropping the ball, it's also pretty amazing. This fall has been busy but so good. I started a graduate program which takes me out of town every 3rd weekend. I'm still learning to cope with being the president of the school board and being the president of the young women organization at church. I joined a community women's group that I love and I'm still nominally in charge of a book club that I love. I have friends and a family that I adore. I'm stressed a lot of the time. My kids are crazy a lot of the time. I am the worst at keeping track of paperwork that comes home in backpacks but my kids' teachers haven't disowned me yet. I have so much to be grateful for. Here are a few very random pictures of things that have made me feel fortunate.

These gorgeous flowers in my favorite color arrived unexpectedly one day. "Just because" said the note. Gosh dang it, I love my husband. I don't need flowers every day but they made me feel so happy.

I made fall leaf pancakes for breakfast. I don't make shapes every time anymore, but the boys love it when we have enough time in the morning for wacky pancakes. It's random, but they make me smile. Also, they're delicious.

Lunch out with these two at a local cafe. Who wouldn't love that? We've been trying a few places we've never eaten at before. Love the German and Ukrainian dishes you can get around here. 

When I have class, I drive to Bismarck early Saturday morning and return in the late afternoon on Sunday. I see the sunrise on the way there and the sunset over the great plains on the way home. The skies here continue to take my breath away. There are few things which make me feel closer to the divine. Just one more way I feel so blessed.

Finally, here is a picture of the X-Men symbol now emblazoned on my carpet. It's entirely appropriate. I live in a house full of highly-gifted mutants. Their special powers often destroy things but their company is worth it. I'm so very fortunate.

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