Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Badlands Boys

My Sister-in-law Rebecca and nephew Kaleb drove sixteen hours to spend the weekend with us. That's some serious love and dedication. Kaleb is a nature lover so of course we headed out the Badlands. As a result, you get to endure yet another series of North Dakota nature photos. Sorry, can't help. I'm in love with this place. This time I just took pictures of the scenery and human wildlife but we did see prairie dogs, bison and turkeys. At one point during the drive one of the boys mentioned that two prairie dogs they saw must be married. Kaleb broke the news that prairie dogs don't get married. My boys were aghast, "Then how do they have babies if the don't get married?!?"
Luckily, we have recently read a book about the facts of life with our boys. It was very frank and straightforward and as a result certain children have been looking at us funny when Marc and I kiss or hug. Anyway, I responded to the question with, "Remember the book we read about how babies are made? Prairie dogs make babies the same way but they just don't get married first." Understanding dawned on David John's face. "Oh!", he said, "I see. They just have to spend time together!" Rebecca and I tried really hard not to laugh. You can now add "spend time together" to your list of euphemisms. You're welcome.

The intrepid visitors. Only crazy people drive sixteen hours to spend time with five little boys. We're grateful for their insanity.

Benjamin loves loves loves hiking and climbing the rocks.

High point of the hike. We couldn't get all five to stand still long enough to be in the picture with Kaleb. Four was the most we got in the frame at a time.

Tobias scooted on his bum all the way down this path. I was super excited to put him back in the van. He wasn't dirty at all.

The boys thought this silly rock face was pretty funny. The fact that mommy could also make the face was even funnier.

David John likes to hike alone. This part of the park's soil was super spongy. 

I like this little rock formation. I'm pretty sure it comes alive at night and chases prairie dogs. 

The river is beautiful. It would be even more beautiful if I wasn't worried about small boys jumping in.
This is my favorite shot of the day. Doesn't it make you want to come visit? I'll take you on this hike. I won't even sing "America the Beautiful" which is what goes through my head whenever I look at pictures of North Dakota. I know it isn't for everybody but I love it and so do my boys.

1 comment:

  1. Kudos for Rebecca and Kaleb for making the journey. Fun times in the Badlands!
