Monday, December 5, 2016

Wishful Thinking

Each  year, we have the boys write a wishlist for Christmas. David John is usually most enthusiastic and serious about these lists. In fact, he makes lists all year long- for birthdays, Easter, even Halloween. He also loves to look through catalogs which our boys call "blogs". Earlier this year, David John went to the dentist and came home with a new toothbrush and a sample of little flossing picks. The picks came with an advertisement. David John read it thoroughly and then made a list of the dental supplies that he really really wanted. He gave me the following list and asked me to buy them ASAP.

-micromint flossers
-twin-line flossers
-right angle flossers
-grind-no-more night protector
-dental brush
-interdental angle brush

Yes, this kid is an ad man's dream. You can sell him anything as long as there is a glossy picture of it. I had no idea that teeth-grinding was an issue for him or that he really needs that right-angle feature on a flosser. Incidentally, if you are now thinking you need some of these things, you can find all of these amazing products at

While they seemed imperative in the moment, the memory of his extreme desire for dental products had faded by the time he wrote his Christmas wishlist. Before I post the boys' wishlists for this year, I just want to warn you that they don't contain the usual hilarity we have come to expect from Christmas lists written by our children. I felt a little saddened by the the more reasonable and shorter lists we got this year but then I decided that maybe this is a sign that we are doing a good job of raising children who are not greedy or materialistic. Or maybe they were just feeling lazy. Who knows. Regardless, I think its so fun to see what our boys were interested in at Christmas time each year. I reproduced them here with original capitalization and spelling. If there's something you don't understand, it's probably a Magic card related item. They're a little obsessed.

Gabe's Christmas list
1. cookies
2. new darts
3. books
4. science set
5. More blocks
6. toy lightsabers (that glow)
7. Magic cards
8. kaladesh fat pack
9. tokens signed by Saffron Olive
10. little toy dart guns
11. socks
12. soft jeans
13. a new piggy bank (green)

1. Pokemon monopoly
2. Elephant stuffed animal
3. magic cards
4. black lodes
5. big Star Wars lego set
6. stuffed animals
7. a conputer
8. NO School
9. Dart gun
10. Goldfish Zombe, Soldier, goblin, thopter of majc cards
11. Dad to be happy

David John
1. Kaladesh gift box
2. Stuffed animal minion

1. Guinea Pig Toy
2. Coloring BOOK
3. minion BOOK
4. mi one STiCKr BOOK*

Dear Santa,
Here are some things I want for Christmas:
1. 4 firetrucks
2. candy

*Benjamin explained that he knows the o-n-e spells one like the number but it can also spell own because the e is bossy and makes the o say its name. I thought that was pretty cute.

As for me, I am wishing for a happy Christmas break with my family. I think we'll all get what we wished for. Except for some of the things on the twin's lists. Last I heard the black lotus card Elijah is wanting is going for $400 for a sketchy copy that might not be real or $27,000 for a certified copy in mint condition. Sorry Bug, that is wishful thinking.

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