Sunday, March 13, 2016

Little Leprechauns

Typically in March, our house is visited by leprechauns. They do things like turn milk or pancake batter green. Sometimes they turn the toilet water blue so that when you pee in it, it turns green. They're clever like that.
This year, they went too far.
Last Friday was a day off of school. I had visions of a sleeping-in, peaceful kind of day. Unfortunately, I was woken at 6 am by giggling in the bathroom. Wouldn't you know? Leprechauns had turned the water very very green with an entire bottle of food coloring and then leprechauns had stuffed an entire roll of toilet paper in the bowl so that green water was flowing out of the toilet and onto the floor.
Leprechauns had done this to two other toilets in the house also!
Unfortunately, the leprechauns forgot to flush one of the toilets before doing this so THAT toilet was a bit malodorous and had other things in it besides toilet paper. Whoops!
Leprechauns had also toilet-papered the hallway. Oh, those silly silly leprechauns! They are so funny! They definitely did NOT make me very angry or extremely grumpy. I love putting my hands into cold, green, disgusting toilet water to fish out toilet paper tubes!
The poor boys had to use towels to clean up after the leprechauns. They also had to roll up all that toilet paper and put it in a bag to be kept by the toilet and used.
The leprechauns are banned from our house until next year. It's too bad, the boys set up some really cute traps. Maybe I'll let them come back on St. Patty's Day. Maybe. If I do take down the charms of leprechaun warding and let them in the house they better be bringing me chocolate. Or gold jewelry. Or both. We'll go with both.

1 comment:

  1. I was thinking of you tonight so decided to peruse your blog-- I'm so happy that you still do this! It's as awesome as ever. I laughed till I cried. I miss you and your boys. Don't know how to contact you, seems like your email has changed? Love you, Sarah!
