My family gave me a beautiful Mother's Day with breakfast-in-bed and many kind words and gifts. This year was a little bit tender for me because it's the first year that I've been working an all-day job and going to school since becoming a mother so I've been carrying some serious mom-guilt. Marc and the boys helped me to realize that I'm doing okay. It isn't perfect. I'm not there as often as I used to be and the cooking has definitely slipped but apparently I'm still doing something right which is comforting. I wanted a picture of myself to post since it is Mother's Day and, let's be honest, because I got my haircut and that should definitely be documented. The boys all wanted to the take the picture so I let them each take one and I took their suggestions on where to stand and how to pose for the picture. The results certainly reflect the personalities and interests of my boys.
Tobias took this one. He is definitely into silly faces right now. |
This is Benjamin's and I actually really love it. I'm surprised it worked since I am backlit but way to go buddy! |
David John, of course, wanted me next to the guinea pigs. |
Elijah decided he needed an Elephant selfie for inspiration before taking my picture. |
Not sure what Elijah's message is here. "My mom is bigger than an elephant?" |
Gabriel draped his favorite blanky around my shoulders and had me read a book. This is what Gabe does with much of his free time. Kind of an artistic angle, don't you think? |
I also wanted to share the sweet and funny things my boys gave me. I want to thank all of their teachers who helped them to make this wealth of cards and gifts.
These are from Tobias. That's a finger painting of flowers at the top left. In the center, is a cut out picture of an airplane with many many wings. I am flying the airplane and Daddy is sleeping in a bed at the back of the airplane. The red line drawing is a giant wormsnake. |
Here's the inside of that butterfly card. It's crazy to me that this kid can write his name now. I mean, it isn't perfect, but still. Who told him he was allowed to do that?!? |
Tobias really wanted to photobomb his own artwork. See what I mean about being into silly faces? |
Benjamin gave me so many cute things. His paper says, "I love my mom because she is nice to me and plays games with me and helps me with my laundry on Sunday and spends time with me. That's why I love my mom." His little questionnaire was hilarious. According to him, I weigh 36 pounds, work as a high school teacher and really love sleeping. He also said that I always say, "Hurry up!" which is probably true. Poor kid, I'll have to watch that. I do say it to him a lot because he often moves at a glacial pace. |
I love this picture of me telling Benjamin "I love you" even if I am bald. |
This is the inside of Benjamin's butterfly card. It says, "Dear Mom, I love you I hope you have a great day you are awsum Love, Benjamin". |
This started out very sweetly with a page that says, "I Love Mom be nice to mom because she is nice to us". This was followed by an illustrated story in which I am attacked by zombies who jump on me and then eat my brains. That last picture is me on the ground with various internal body parts located outside of my body. Very touching. |
These are from David John. I love the little purple hat he made and that poem about little hands gets me every time. The hat book is really cute too. It goes through all of the roles that moms have. |
This page made me laugh because I am always losing my phone for 2 minutes at a time until I find it again. |
I love that he accurately portrays the conversation and the state of his room. |
Elijah gave me this awesome artwork and poem. In case you can't read it, it says, "Mothers rule, Okay, Totally cool, Happy, Excited, Reputation is nice, Strongly bright, Delightful, Always cheerful, Yes she loves me, Happy Mother's Day, A heart full of fun, Playful, Plays games, Yes she's kind." |
These are from Gabriel. He is so thoughtful. The card says, "Dear Mom, I love you and hope you will be our awesome mom forever. Love, Gabe". Each of the little handprint flowers also says something nice about me. The red one made me feel a little guilty. It says, "she is busy so that we can do what we want." I guess I should be grateful he's a glass half full kind of kid. The blue hand says, "She always finds time to play with us." so at least I've got my priorities straight despite being busy, right? |
This was a gift from Marc. It is my first piece of Mom bling. It has five birthstones for each of our boys. They are not in order because Marc knows that I really like symmetry. He did a great job. I love it. Of course, the most important part of Mother's Day is a mushy card from my husband. He didn't disappoint. Maybe my favorite line is, "Without you our house would be without song, without joy." Thanks babe. I'm glad that my constant singing is a benefit and not a burden. |
I sure love my husband and all five of my little monkeys. Being a mother brings me so much joy. And guilt. But mostly joy.
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