Monday, February 29, 2016

3 is a Magic Number

Yes it is.
Tobias turned 3 this month. We knew it was coming. Not only because he has a birthday on February 16th every year, but because he was just starting to act more "3". People call year 2 of a child's life the "terrible twos" and certainly it comes with challenges but in my experience 3 is even more challenging. Year 3 should be called the "thrashing threes" because they throw so many temper tantrums and because sometimes, as the parent, you too want to thrash around in mental agony over trying to get a very unreasonable person to do something very simple and very necessary. Like eating.
Tobias believes in deconstructionism. He likes to take his food apart so that it LOOKS like he's eaten something. I'm pretty sure he lives entirely off of stolen candy.

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Live, Laugh, Love

Being a Mom is tough but since love is in the air I thought I should share the things that have made me laugh recently which makes me love my boys even more.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Picture This

Gabriel recently drew this picture for Marc and me which he said is a picture of us on our honeymoon.

This just cracks me up because I don't think he has any idea what the connotations of the word "honeymoon" are. I'm guessing he thinks it has something to do with the actual moon which is why the moon dominates the picture. You can even see the craters. There are also some very random details like a bird that has an invisible body but visible legs. However, there are some things which are closer to the truth than he probably intended. There seems to be an odd lack of clothing. And there's a shower. There are even speech bubbles for the guy in the shower.
"Sorry to disturb you. My bad."
"Did you know there was a shower out here?"

It was enough to make these two immature adults giggle a little.

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Settin' the Night on Fire

Last week I was craving some serious comfort food because, well, I live in North Dakota and it's winter. Anyway, I had all of these green chilies from my bountiful basket food co-op so I decided to roast those babies and cook up some green chili macaroni and cheese.
I am pretty much a pro at roasting chilis now and I have never used gloves. My fingers get a little tingly sometimes, but it's no big deal. Usually. Moving on, I did indeed make some amazing looking and smelling green chili mac and cheese which I baked to perfection in a cast-iron skillet topped with bread crumbs. Oh man did it look good.