Every year, Christmas Eve is a special time. Not only is it the night before Christmas but it is also Marc's birthday. I love Christmas Eve but it also stressful and adding a birthday to the mix can make it even more so. So, I wrote my own version of night before Christmas as a tribute to all the parents who are up late making those last minute preparations. At the end I'll post some pictures of the birthday boy and our little guys in their Christmas PJs.
Twas the day before Christmas and all through the house
every creature was stirring, though none had a louse
the stockings were hung haphazardly there
while the one child screamed as the other pulled his hair
the children were wrestled in a heap on the rug
'til we dragged them to bed and tucked them in snug
then Daddy with his scissors and I with my tape
frantically wrapped presents, every size, every shape
when from the boys' rooms there arose such a clatter
I sprang from the floor to see what was the matter
out into the hallway came one sickly dude
who promptly bent over and threw up his food
the stench rising up from the vomitous pile
made me quite queasy as I cleaned up my child
when what should appear to knock off my socks
but my husband mopping up with a towel and clorox
then back to gift wrapping and we had to be quick
we'd lost precious time tending to mister sick
more rapid than eagles the presents they came
as we taped them and stacked them and wrote on each a name
Gabriel, Elijah,
now Marc and Benjamin
now Sarah, Tobias
now David John and then
stash them under the tree!
stack them next to the wall!
now count them and make sure that we've got them all!
like wild deer before the speeding pick-up fly
then meet with a bumper and lay down to die
so to our bed-room we ran to hit the sack
with the Christmas chores done we were dead in our tracks
and then, in a twinkling, I heard by our door
the prancing and stamping of feet on the floor
as I
opened my eyes and was shuffling around
the stairs those two little feet leaped with a bound
was dressed in pjs from his head to his toes
clothing was bunched and he was picking his nose
held up a cup and he gave me a wink
mom, how's it going? I'm just getting a drink."
eyes, how they bulged out and my fists how they shook
face had gone bright red and I gave him a look
mad line of a mouth was drawn up in a sneer
and I
said, "What do you think you are doing down here?
you know it's past one? And your mom is exhausted!
hams that I've baked! The cookies I've frosted!
you get back in bed and you don't make a peep!
know, Santa won't come if you don't go to sleep!
last all was still, and the children were dreaming
and I
finally slept with the stars outside gleaming
despite the smell and the kids out of bed
Nicholas came, we had nothing to dread
filled all the stockings, he went straight to work
he made not a sound because Santa's no jerk
laying the presents all out in a row
giving a nod, he snuck out on tiptoe
was only five thirty and still dark out when
five boys were talking and giggling again
though we were fatigued our hearts warmed at the sight
Christmas to all!" even if it's still night
This year Marc got his first pair of cowboy boots for his birthday. I wish you could see them better in the picture. Happy Birthday Babe! |
I know it's a little blurry but getting five boys to sit still together and all look at the camera just doesn't work so we'll take what we can get. I'm going to be sad when the twins grow too big for Carter's pajamas and they can't all be matching anymore. I love it. |
We took a picture of Santa's hard work before the boys came down in the morning. I think Santa must have Mrs. Clause write those name tags. |