Sunday, June 7, 2015

No, David!

That is the title of one of the boys' favorite books. "No, David!" by David Shannon is about a little boy who does a lot of naughty things. One of those naughty things is jumping on the bed while wearing red cowboy boots and a blanket like a cape.
It just happens that David John has recently come into possession of some red cowboy boots because red is his favorite color. When he was reading the book a few days ago, he wanted to recreate the jumping on the bed scene. Of course, I agreed to take pictures of him doing it. It was just too cute.

Have you ever seen such joy? Unfortunately this mother-approved fun planted an idea in his little brain that he should recreate EVERY picture from the book. There are some things in that book that are definitely NOT mother-approved. How do I know what he was planning, you ask? I heard him flipping through the book and naming each activity and whether or not he had done it yet.

"Showing everyone food in my mouth, accomplished."

"Flooding the bathtub, not accomplished."

"Pick my nose, accomplished."

"Make a mess with my toys, accomplished."

"Play baseball in the house, not accomplished."

"Run outside with no clothes on, not accomplished."

When I heard him stating those last two, I sent Marc to intervene. The funny thing is, he HAS accomplished everything in that book at one time in his life he just hadn't done it on that particular day. Thankfully, Marc was able to talk him down so we didn't have to yell, "No David!"

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