What do little boys do with lacing cards and bike helmets? What any sensible person would do... booby trap the stairs of course. They were planning to fill the bike helmets with water or dirt, or possibly both before I put the kibosh on their operation.

The boys love watermelon, but every once in a while we get a really bland one in our bountiful basket. The boys in general seem oblivious to the taste of watermelon, they will gobble it down regardless, but one day Elijah, who was on his fifth piece, suddenly stopped eating and looked up at us. He asked, "Is it possible for watermelon to be.... not... good?"
Gabriel had had a rough day in the ladies department. He had announced my age to the entire church congregation and told a girl that he has a crush on that she was "big". Marc explained to him that you shouldn't talk to women about their age, or their size. You never use the words, "old", "big", or "fat". Gabriel took all of this in and then asked, "Why can't I say anything to a girl without it hurting her feelings?" Marc was proud that his son had come to this conclusion at such an early age. Marc was well into adulthood before he figured it out.
Our boys love to play Plants vs. Zombies 2 on the iPad. There are several different themed areas in this game including what David John refers to as "Agent Egypt" and "Pirate Seasons". (It's actually Ancient Egypt and Pirate Seas.)
Speaking of seasons, David John recently informed me that he could name all of them in order. I said I would love to hear it. I had to stop myself from laughing as he listed them off. "First, Easter. Second, Hallowing. Third Christmas. Fifth Thanksgiving. Last, Fall." Nailed it, buddy.
The boys, like me as a child, do not always love casseroles. Recently, however they became concerned not just by the contents of the pan but the name of the dish. "Why are these called castle rolls?"
One more. Gabriel and Elijah have been learning about parts of speech in first grade. Marc was having a discussion with them and Gabriel correctly defined the word "noun". Marc then asked the boys if they knew what a verb was. David John, who happened to be walking by, said, "I know! Verbs are things that build nest and sit on their eggs." The twins couldn't stop laughing.
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