Our little April Fool turned 3 this week. Benjamin is in turns sweet, stubborn, hilarious, aggravating, emotional, ridiculous, fun and dang cute. I have quite a few Benjamin pictures and quotes I've been meaning to share anyway, so here they are along with some birthday pictures and fun facts about all things Benjamin:
This little injury happened in February courtesy of a big brother slamming his thumb in a door. Benjamin became rather attached to his "black thumb" and used it to start conversations with friends and strangers alike. "Look! I have a black thumb." At some point in March, I was trimming his nails and noticed that the black thumbnail was only hanging on by a thread. I quickly yanked it off so the new nail underneath could start growing. It bled more than I thought it would and I felt really bad because Benjamin started crying. I quickly learned, however, that he was not crying about the pain, but because of the emotional attachment he had. "You taked my black thumb!" he wailed. Days later, we were sitting in the van waiting to pick up David John from Joy School when I heard a little disgruntled voice muttering, "She taked away my black thumb. It is not nice to take people's black thumbs. You should not do that." A month later, I think he may finally be over this insult.

Fun Fact: Benjamin is not potty-trained. Nope. He's 3, but conversations about potty training generally go something like this: Me-"Benjamin, let's go sit on the potty so you can get an M&M!" B-"No, I can't sit on the potty." Me-"Why not?" B-"Because I not potty-trained." Me-"I know you aren't potty trained. That's why you need to practice sitting on the potty." B- "Sorry, I too little." Head. Wall. Repeat. He did finally pee on the potty for the first time today. I am cautiously optimistic.
I wish I had a "before" picture so I could say "This is a slinky." "This is a slinky after Benjamin. Any questions?" I find I sometimes have similar feelings about my mind and my body pre- and post-children. Anyway, we are rough on toys around here. I'm not sure why we even give this kid toys. He can personify any object and play with it. Meals sometimes take a very long time because the characters in his drama can only be eaten after they've fulfilled their purpose to the plot.
Fun Fact: In our house, mysterious beings visit us in March and turn random things green. Last month we had green milk, green pancakes, even green pizza dough. Most of my boys call these beings leprechauns but Benjamin, being a mathematically-minded person calls them "hexagons". Euclid would be so proud. Math is magic, right?
One day I peeked in Benjamin's room while he was playing with these three toys. His play is usually more violent than I would prefer so I assumed that there was going to be some sort of battle and heroic rescue involved. It looked, to me, like those two superheroes were menacing that poor little dog. I was surprised that Spiderman was a villain. The Hulk is changeable, but Spidey you can usually count on to be the good-guy. Boy, was I wrong. As it turns out, that innocent little dog was really an evil mastermind planning to take over the world. He was so powerful that it took TWO super-heroes to fight him, subdue him, and take him to jail and that was only after the dog escaped at least twice. I guess when you are a little guy, it's nice to think that little guys can make big waves.

Fun Fact: Benjamin is definitely a child of the smart-phone era. We have some Ninja Turtle toothpaste for the boys, but Benjamin always calls them the Fruit Ninja Turtles. In fact, I don't think he is aware that the word "ninja" can exist without being preceded by the word "fruit".
Fun Fact: Benjamin is not a neat eater and he almost never uses utensils. When we went to the circus, everyone got some cotton candy. Benjamin looked like he was sporting a fuzzy blue goatee.
Benjamin couldn't decide what he wanted for his birthday, or what kind of cake he wanted, or what he wanted to eat for dinner. When asked, "What do you want for your birthday?" he would answer, "Cake and presents." "What kind of cake?" "Umm, yellow cupcakes, no green cupcakes, no blue cupcakes with white frosting or yellow frosting and M&Ms." That is how I ended up making rainbow cupcakes. All the boys were super happy with the results.
He did, indeed, get presents including real cowboy boots, the movie Frozen, a CD that is so bad it's good entitled "Dinostory: The Ultimate Dinosaur Rock Opera", robot pajamas (which he pronounces pee-jamas), a Thomas Uno game and some lacing cards.
Fun Fact: I did not make up that CD title. It really is that bad and consequently, that awesome. We checked it out from the library a few times and the boys are all obsessed. You can listen to a few of the songs complete with animation on