Friday, May 27, 2016

Good Sports

Gabriel and Elijah are athletic. This is shocking because they are my children and I am the most unathletic person quite possibly in all recorded history. I think I have mentioned before my ability to not only be bad at sports but also be bad for sports equipment. I was the girl who shot holes in the wrestling mats during archery (oops), managed to hit a golf ball backwards into the parking lot (sorry truck!) and after a series of embarrassing and improbable events ended up completely mangling a locker in the locker room with a pair of bolt cutters. That one I'm going to blame on my gym teacher, he should have known better than to give me a pair of bolt cutters.
Anyway, I am happy and thankful that my little guys can sport and stuff! This spring they both did soccer and Gabriel did gymnastics.

Elijah was a total rock star on their soccer team. He made three goals in one day during a little mini-tournament they were playing. In fact, I believe he scored all but one of the goals for their whole season. He steals the ball from the opposing team frequently. He has hustle and drive. I love to watch him play. Gabriel also has some pretty amazing skills and was highly complemented for his teamwork during their British soccer camp. They had a lovely coach with a lovely Irish accent. Maybe that's my problem. I bet if I had a gym teacher with an Irish accent I would have done a lot better. Elijah got high marks for skills but has a little to learn about attitude- sometimes scoring a lot of goals can make it tempting to brag a little... or a lot but that's okay. He's only eight. He'll get there.

Gabriel was thrilled this spring to finally pass level three in gymnastics. That means he can do one-handed cartwheels, handstand rolls, back extensions, kick over to a standing position from a bridge and do some pretty cool things on the bars. I think I may have done a cartwheel once or twice in my life.... maybe. I guess we can thank Grandma for the gymnastics prowess and flexibility. Thank you Grandma!

It makes me so happy that my boys won't feel the sting of total unathletic shame that has haunted my life. Except for that time when I was on a collegiate jv rugby team for one day..... that was a good day. I'm so glad they are good sports.

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