Monday, October 6, 2014

Sorry, So Sorry

Poor Gabriel feels criticism intensely. Any slight correction to his behavior often ends in tears and then a sorry note. While I wish he wouldn't take things so hard, I do adore the sorry notes. I thought I would share two of my favorites.

I can't remember what either of these notes was apologizing for but I remember chuckling when I saw that this one had check marks. Gabriel's first grade teacher gives check marks when things are correct, so the check mark has replaced the heart as Gabriel's symbol of love and approval.

I also love what he wrote on the bottom. I'm pretty sure that last word is supposed to read "best" but it absolutely looks like "bust". Having nursed five children, if someone tells me "Mom's are the bust!" I'll take it as a compliment.

Here is another popular Gabriel writing technique: rainbow writing. It's adorable as is his spelling.

I am so glad you appreciate my "kooking". I hope that you still like my kooking when you are a teenager and having a kooky mom can be embarrassing.

Thank you for the darling notes, Gabe. I'm sorry you are stuck with me for a mom, so sorry.

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