Friday, January 31, 2014

Funny Boys

These boys make us laugh. Here are a few cute pictures and quotes from this month:

Tobias discovered that the self-inking stamps his brothers got in their Christmas stockings are so delicious! Tobias will seek them out, even opening his brother's desk to get to them. I'm sure those things are non-toxic. Right? I mean, anything made in China has to be high quality and extremely safe. I didn't even bother to call poison control this time. I'm tired of them giggling on the other end of the line.
Tobias doesn't have any quotable quotes yet, but he does have an adorable way of whistling when he is really focused on something. He purses his lips and a faints whistle sound occurs when he breathes in and out.


We could not convince Benjamin that the glasses were on upside down. He was so proud of himself!
Benjamin said the following in a prayer:
"Please bless the food. Bless us to not steal fruit snacks and not steal tomatoes and not steal cheese and not steal crackers and not steal carrots and not steal grape jelly and not steal butter and not steal candy and not steal chips and not steal bread. Bless us to not fight and not go to jail."
We've discovered that his prayers are a useful catalog of sins. It often answers questions for us like, "who made the giant toilet paper mess in the bathroom? I wasn't even aware that he had been "stealing" some of those things. Good grief. We are going to have to get a padlock for the fridge at this rate.


David John decided to use the aforementioned self-inking stamps to stamp his face. His unfortunate choice of a red stamp coupled with the placement gave him a devilish appearance complete with little horns and beard. It did not wash off very well, so he was the devil for a few days.

I also discovered this lovely selfie on my cell phone. Lovely.
David John was acting as if he was uncomfortable one day, so I asked him what was bothering him.
"Oh, it's nothing. My underwear is just hurting me. Sometimes, when you are a big kid, your underwear just hurts you."
"Hmmm. Can I try to help you? Is there an itchy tag or something? Can I try and straighten them for you?"
"No. It's because they have poke-a-dots. If there are poke-a-dots it just pokes you. I'll be fine, Mom."


Elijah made this amazing paper mache hat at school. I particulary love the q-tips detail on the back.
Both boys often come home from school with little songs or rhymes that I remember from my own school days. Sometimes they are slightly different from the versions I learned, but I had to smile when I heard the changes Elijah made to the "made ya look" rhyme.
"Major look! Major look! Now you're in the baby book!"


Gabriel also made a hat at school, albeit of a different variety. I love that he misspelled his name on the front. He's such a perfectionist and a bit of a know-it-all so it is refreshing to see him do something imperfectly sometimes. I also like the shiny glue spots where you can tell the candies he had glued to his hat somehow didn't stay on for very long.....
Gabriel came home from school on the day after Martin Luther King Day with an interesting history lesson. I had talked to the boys on MLK Day about Dr. King and his legacy and racial equality but apparently Gabriel wasn't listening very well to me or to his teacher.
"Today we talked about Leather Junior King. He lived a long time ago when there were only black people and white people on the earth. No other kinds of people. The white people were not being very nice so he had to talk to everyone in Tennessee or something."
Don't worry, we set him straight.. after I had a good laugh. I love my funny boys.

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