Saturday, March 18, 2017

H-E-Double Hockey Sticks, Yeah!

I had the pleasure of going with our friends Amy and Leslie last weekend to the Ralph Arena for some UND hockey. I had never been to a hockey game before and I had never been to Grand Forks before even though I am currently working on a degree through UND. It was nice to see the institution that I pay a lot of money to each semester.

Saturday, March 4, 2017


The dreaded (for me) Pinewood Derby has come and gone again. Our boys were good sports even though their cars were out of the running early on. I loved that this year they used all of the boys' colors on their cars to represent the whole Ricks boy clan. Gabriel even painted some other first initials on his car. Our cars were hand sawed again this year but this time Marc cut them. (Thank you babe!) I dread this event because inevitably certain kids whose dads are really good at this game show up with professional looking cars and win. It's actually a competition for dads. So, I really struggle with that. Anyway, I'm glad my boys have smiles on their faces and love their homespun cars just the way they are.