Last month Tobias hit 18 months. The good news is he now old enough for nursery! The bad news is that his naughty antics have definitely increased. He still isn't talking much. He tends to learn a new word, use it for a week and then drop it. For the record, his first word was "trash" which he pronounced "ash, ash". He also enjoys making up his own sign language which more resembles baseball signals. His sign for drink consists of three movements involving both hands and one ear. He's a handful that's for sure. Here are a few personality shots from the last six months:
He loves his technology, a little too much. |
He can happily cycle through iPad pages all day. |
Also, he loves to pretend he's playing Angry Birds. |
He can't get enough of the pool. Bobbing up and down and playing peek-a-boo with the senior citizens is his favorite. |
All of his brothers are in gymnastics and sometimes he just can't stay off the mats. |
No, this isn't a horror film. It's just pasta for dinner. |
Who needs a stick? |
We can finally put him down during his naps, but he likes to sleep in strange positions. |
Did I mention he LOVES books? I think he was trying to combine his love of swimming with his love of books by creating a book pool. Shortly after this photo, all of the children's books were relocated to some higher shelves in the basement. |
This is the "I'm going to jump off the coffee table!" face. He jumps off the coffee table a lot. |
Woo-hoo! Just landed on the couch. |
"Wanna see it again? I can do this all day." |
I don't even remember what he wanted but I think I gave in. Just look at that pleading face. |
Tobias prefers chapter books to his board books. The chapter books make a more satisfying sound when he flips through them. Also, what more comfortable place to read than suspended between the couch and table? |
Can you tell that he had chocolate chip pancakes with powdered sugar for breakfast? |
Yep, his Grandma spoils him but so do we. He located his own binky, laid down and started rubbing his ears. Time for a nap. Sometimes I wish I was one and a half. |